HAMSTAVERSE Genesis NFT collection
We are going to launch the HAMSTAVERSE Genesis NFT collection, which will have supply of 3333 unique, handdrawn HAMSTA avatars, which will be used within the HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem with the ability to interact with other players, as well as the opportunity to participate and earn in any project that is part of the HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem. HAMSTA avatar is an embodiment of your personality from real life in the digital world in the form of an NFT. You will be able to improve, grow it just as you improve yourself in the life! With your avatar you will have the opportunity to participate and earn tokens in any future projects in the HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem.
Too many identical avatars? You'll be able to breed them and get a Hamster with a better rarity, but be careful, there's no guarantee of success of the breeding. ALL AVATARS ARE BURNED WHEN BREEDING Here is a sample scheme for breeding avatars: 5 common - 1 rare - 80% - 20% to get a rare 3 rare - 1 epic 85% - 15% to get an epic 2 epic - 1 legendary 98% - 2% to get a legendary
What about the success rate? Let it remain a mystery...to be countinued
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