Our global mission as HAMSTAVERSE is to bring the latest blockchain technology into our daily lives. The main goal and also the mission of HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem as a metaverse is to educate many people for the gradual integration from web2.0 to the brand new, uncharted web3.0, because this is our future and we have to be ready. HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem makes it easy to incorporate the web3 into your daily life. Immersion in a digital world built on blockchain technology, hamsters. Our primary goal is to familiarize everyone with the meta universe and its possibilities, which in the near future can be integrated into our reality. With HAMSTAVERSE, every aspiring game developer will have the opportunity to integrate blockchain technology as well as earn money into their products. As well as our goal of fighting over dishonest P2E projects. Also HAMSTAVERSE ecosystem is available for everyone to participate (free-to-join)
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