
You will be able to stake your NFT CUBE, it will be displayed to other players as a Cube location, where everyone can play and get a new user experience in a completely new place. Your NFT CUBE will always generate passive income for you from staking, as well as for each run you make as a cube owner You will receive up to 365% APR in $HMST coins, but your cube will be frozen for 7/14/28/90/180/365 days The number of days available for staking depends on the rarity of your NFT CUBE: All staking days are open for Legendary Cubes (7/14/28/90/180/365) For epic, only 28/90/180/365 days are open For rares, only 90/180/365 days are open For common, only 180/365 days are open 7 days of staking - 3/365% APR 14 days of staking - 7/365% APR 28 days of staking - 15/365% APR 90 days of staking - 85/365% APR 180 days of staking - 160/365% APR 365 days of staking - 365% APR

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